May 2019

Technology businesses, and those active in the IT space, are now some of the fastest growing and most sustainable in southern Africa – the Fourth Industrial Revolution is well and truly here. Today, everything is connected, everything is always working, software is a constant state of flux, and the digital world is becoming more and more integrated with our traditional business processes.

The truth is, if you’re involved in technology, the future always looks exciting; and if you refuse to adopt the changes that technology forces, you’re probably already on a downward spiral.

So, this month we talk to Tarsus Technology Group – a leading distributor of tech products in South Africa – to find out about how this booming group of companies has become integral to the operations of its clients and their end users.

We also hear from SMD Technologies – a company posting extremely strong growth results and expanding into new markets around the world – where constant innovation is helping this electronics creator to deliver high-quality products at affordable prices, taking significant market shares as its brand’s reputations grow.

Then there’s Concord Refrigeration, the Durban-based supplier of supermarket display cabinets. This 50-year old manufacturer has had to adapt to embrace new technology to ensure its operations are in line with environmental expectations.

And Eurolab, the largest generic oncology company in South Africa, is focussed on the adoption of cutting-edge technology to deliver its inventive solutions all over the country.

We also hear from Avon & Dedisa Peaking Power – the company responsible for helping to balance the electricity grid during peak times – about how the technology across the two sites helps them go from “zero to one hundred” in just 30 minutes.

Get in touch with us and tell us how your business is utilising technology to take it to the next level. We’re always online @EnterpriseAfri1

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