February 2016

We have two distinct topics up for discussion this month: fast food and financial services.

In an eye-opening exchange, I spoke to MD of South Africa’s Banking Association, Cas Coovadia who explained that the country needs to start sending out a clear message that it is a secure and reliable investment destination in an effort to attract more FDI so that we can stimulate the waning economy. He said that there needs to be more cooperation between government and business in order to get this message out there. It is certainly possible; countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia are just a few that are becoming more and more attractive to investors because of a clear message – “we’re open for business”.

In the restaurant sector, we look at two of Africa’s (and the globe’s) biggest chains; McDonald’s and KFC. Both are keen on further developing their footprint and both are keen on shaking their traditional image of being an unhealthy, unethical option. There’s only one way to do this – effective marketing. We explore what has been done so far to inform customers, and potential customers, about what really goes on behind the scenes at these African favourites.

In other significant features, we hear from two of the country’s biggest hardware chains and find out that although the economy is biting, attention to detail and effective management means that you can in fact thrive while other fall away.

Get in touch with us and tell us your tales of success (or woe) during these tough times @EnterpriseAfr1

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